Who we are

A team that loves to create

PRIMAL CPD is a company that provides training and coaching to help working people find their unique path to increased satisfaction, productivity and business success.

Primal CPD is dedicated to help sales and business professionals, as well as entrepreneurs, break down their internal barriers and realize their inherent potential for success.

"Meeting our customers' needs is key to our success.

Companies hire us because of our unique approach to training and discover that we can help them be competitive in business arena.

What we do

We put people first

Main aim of Primal CPD is to provide customers with trainings and consultancy toward better competency development.

For every training, we assemble a team with the most appropriate experience and expertise. We equip people with knowledge, skills and attitude to make their own path to success.

Our trainings and consultancy activities are focused in four major fields:
• Personal development
• Interpersonal development
• Sales force development
• Coaching and consultancy activities

OUR TRAINING METHODOLOGY UNIQUEPrimal CPD is trying to build a different frame for training design. This approach is suitable for small companies or for those who have not developed HR management system and includes 6 steps:
• The very first thing we do is to get the INPUT from Management to share their vision and describe us where they want their team to be
• Using unique Primal CPD OSNA (Objective Structured Needs’ Assessment) we can get inside the competency model of employees assessing their training NEEDS. This is done through applying reliable questionnaires, using interviews or by mapping the competencies of best performers with BEI and designing special development models for other employees.
• After exploration of training needs we undertake all the necessary steps to customize a TRAINING using various interactive session, group work and role plays to ensure greater retaining of what is learned. Our trainings usually are two days’ duration.
• Next step is field COACHING of employees especially those who are underperforming, giving them honest and specific feedback on what is good and what could be better. This is time when we are closely monitoring their competency development. This is done especially for sales and other field specialists by dual visits.
• After a period of time we meet together with managers to update us with improvements of the team or employees undertaken the training. Then together we decide to design a one day FOLLOW UP training to address the areas of small improvements.Edgar_Dale's_cone_of_learning
• The last step is evaluation of achieved CHANGE. This is done by different questionnaires and especially with 360° feedback asking for assessment from:
Line managers,

Some of these steps can be skipped according to the structure of organization and goals of professional development of employees.

Based on adult learning principles, Primal CPD uses highly interactive sessions and practical techniques which can be implemented right after th workshop.
We achieve this with video presentations, role plays, very constructive group discussion with aim of greater retention of what has been demonstrated and according to the pyramid of Edgar Dale.

Some of these steps can be skipped according to the structure of organization and goals of professional development of employees.